Fortunately for Travelers, all materials that Kamisato Ayato needs in Genshin Impact 2.6 are already available in the current version of the game.
Thus, they won't have to wait until Genshin Impact 2.6 comes out to obtain them all. Gamers can pre-farm all of his Ascension Materials and Talent Level-Up Materials right now in Version 2.5.
Kamisato Ayato was leaked to arrive on the first banner of the 2.6 update, so players have a fair amount of time to start farming these items. Ideally, a player will obtain everything they need for him prior to his playable debut.
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Five of the most important materials to farm for Kamisato Ayato prior to Genshin Impact 2.6
5) Mudra of the Malefic General
End of the Oneiric Euthymia is a new Trounce Domain that debuted in Genshin Impact 2.5 after the player completes Raiden Shogun's second Story Quest. Travelers will need 18 Mudras of the Malefic General to max out all three of Kamisato Ayato's Talents.
It might not seem like much at first glance, but it's only obtainable through a weekly boss. Ergo, players should farm this boss as soon as possible to save time once Kamisato Ayato arrives in Genshin Impact 2.6.
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4) Teachings of Elegance / Guide to Elegance / Philosophies of Elegance
Kamisato Ayato needs 9 Teachings of Elegance, 63 Guides to Elegance, and 114 Philosophies of Elegance to max out all three of his Talents in Genshin Impact. Typically, a player will be able to farm all three items from the Violet Court Domain, but only on Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday.
Attempting to farm this Domain on other days will give players other materials. Similarly, Sunday will have all the possible material from this Domain, so players need to remember to complete the Thundering Valley challenges.
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3) Sakura Bloom
Travelers need a whopping 168 Sakura Bloom to max out Ayato's level in Genshin Impact 2.6. Only 75 exist on the overworld at a given time, and it's a local specialty that will respawn in two days. Thus, the player must wait several days to get all 168 (at least four days).
Sakura Bloom is unique in that they require the player to use Electro on them in order to harvest this material. Lisa is a free Electro character, so every Traveler will have an option to farm it easily.
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2) Old Handguard / Kageuchi Handguard / Famed Handguard
Kamisato Ayato needs 18 Old Handguards, 30 Kageuchi Handguards, and 36 Famed Handguards to max out his Ascensions in Genshin Impact. However, he also requires an additional 18 Old Handguards, 66 Kageuchi Handguards, and 93 Famed Handguards to max out all three Talents.
These materials are easy to obtain in Genshin Impact, given that the Nobushi and Kairagi enemies that drop them are available throughout all of Inazuma. Travelers can also craft the Kageuchi Handguards and Famed Handguards if necessary.
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1) Dew of Repudiation
Any player seeking to farm Dew of Repudiation will inevitably farm all of the Varunada Lazurite materials that Ayato also needs. Thus, players can kill two birds with one stone by trying to farming the Hydro Hypostasis boss.
They should ideally obtain the following items (or the ability to craft these items) from the Hydro Hypostasis for Kamisato Ayato:
- 1x Varunada Lazurite Sliver
- 9x Varunada Lazurite Fragment
- 9x Varunada Lazurite Chunk
- 6x Varunada Lazurite Gemstone
- 46x Dew of Repudiation
This boss is located in Suigetsu Pool on Watatsumi Island.
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Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.
Poll : Will you farm all of these items by the time that Kamisato Ayato becomes playable?
206 votes
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