Usher wants a paternity test performed on his second son

Usher and Tameka in March 2008.

Things are getting nasty in the divorce between Usher and soon-to-be ex-wife Tameka. In fact their friends are predicting the entire process is going to be heated. Someone told Usher that Tameka was stepping out on him around the time she got pregnant with six-month-old Naviyd. Usher believes it might be true since he and Tameka were only together once around the time she conceived. Of course, like they told you in seventh grade sex ed, it only takes one time. But Usher’s suspicious nonetheless, and insisting on a DNA test.

From the moment wife Tameka told him she was pregnant with 6-month-old Naviyd, the R&B singer was suspicious, reveals insiders. “The first thing Usher said was, ‘How did this happen?’ – because he was gone a lot, and their sex life was very, very limited,” revealed a friend of the star. Now pals are urging Usher to determine paternity with a DNA test, reveals a source. “People have been telling him that around the time the little boy was conceived, Tameka got together with another man.”

Usher loves both his sons and is going to fight for custody, divulged his friend. “But he’s determined to get truthful answers.” Meanwhile, Tameka is fighting back hard – charging that 30-year-old Usher has been playing around, revealed an insider.

“Tameka also insists that Usher is Naviyd’s father. She says that although they weren’t spending much time together, they did get together for one night of passion. And that’s when she got pregnant.”… By the time Naviyd was born this past December, the couple was reportedly already separated. “now the war is truly on,” said the insider.

[From the National Enquirer, print edition, July 6 2009]

From the way the friend phrases it, it almost sounds like Usher is going to fight for custody of both of his sons regardless of paternity results, which could be interesting. The Enquirer goes on to talk about how scared Tameka is that she’ll end up poor again, and as a result she’s going to fight tooth and nail for everything she has. There’s as much as $80 million at stake here, and everyone was calling Tameka a gold digger long before she and Usher tied the knot.

Neither of these two strike me as model spouses, and they’re being remarkably immature for grown adults. Their friends are passing information about the two like it’s eighth grade. Luckily their sons are too young to know what’s going on. But I’m sure the drama is just beginning.

Here’s Usher arrives for the Dior fashion show at Paris Fashion Week yesterday. Images thanks to .
